Learning activities in a new look
The Academy for International Relations has a new learning portal. As of today, you will immediately see your personal learning overview on the home screen; which learning activities are a good fit for your position and also what you have already registered for.

The new learning portal is easier to access
The new learning portal not only looks more clear, it is also easily accessible. If you are working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BZ), go to http://bzaib.csod.com/ and you are automatically logged in.
Do you work for a Dutch ministry other than BZ as a government official? Complete this form to create an account for the Academy of International Relations learning portal. If you are already registered, log in here.
Tip: save this link to your favorites on Rijksportaal or in your browser
Once you are signed in, you will be directed to your personal overview with all learning activities relevant to you. You can choose whether to use the learning portal in Dutch or English. Go to the welcome page to read more about the new learning portal and how to get started right away.
Questions or support
We are curious to hear what you think of the new learning portal and of course how you experience using it. Do you encounter any problems, notice anything, have suggestions for us or a good idea? Let us know via academie@minbuza.nl. If something is not working properly or you experience a technical problem, please contact us as well.
Your feedback will help us further develop the learning portal.